Saturday, January 06, 2007

Train trip - part 2 - Shirakawago

The second part of our trip took us to the village of Shirakawago (in Gifu prefecture). It is a World Heritage Site and is famous for its A-frame houses that keep all the snow they get from crashing through the roofs:In the village, there was also a open air museum of some houses that weren't lived anymore but you could walk through them and read about how they were built and so on.
The next photo is a view of the village from a hill. Ayako and I were lucky enough to stay in one of the houses that was run as an inn for the night of New Year's Eve. They fed us a big dinner and special (and large) New Year's breakfast.
We noticed that in the village, all of the villages wore rubber boots since I guess the temperature hovers around freezing and so it can sometimes be slushy on the roads. You could tell who was a visitor since they weren't wearing rubber boots. We got to borrow some boots from the inn, although I don't think I was fooling anybody into thinking I was from the village:
Ayako told me during the trip that even though she had seen snow before, this was her first time seeing lots of snow, so one thing we did was make snow-angels:
At night, it was very quiet in the town, since all the bus loads of visitors had left. We went for a walk around 11 o'clock and I got some nice night pictures of the town:
Near midnight, we went to the local shrine, we many of the people in the town were. There was no countdown for Xmas but we watched a special ceremony happening inside the shrine:
And got to keep warm by a big fire outside the shrine:

It was a quiet New Years Eve, but a memorable one.

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