Sunday, December 02, 2007

Picking Mandarins (Mikans)

Today, Ayako and I met our friends Eiki & Ryoko and went picking mandarins (or mikans as they are called in Japan) near our house. Many of the of the houses near ours also own land nearby where they grow mandarins. They sell their mandarins to supermarkets but also sell them outside their houses for a third of the price. Since they are our neighbours though, we have been receiving a steady stream of them for free though. One of our neighbours allowed us to go pick mandarins in their field. We actually went with our neighbour's younger brother & wife (in their late 70s) since they have more energy for picking the mandarins. Here are some photos I took from today (the first one from the mandarin field, which overlooks the town where we live):

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