Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hosoe matsuri (festival)

Ayako and I were lucky enough to find out about a local festival happening by it passing in front of our house. Since "in front of our house" is a lake, this doesn't happen often. There were a few boats carrying people dressed up for a festival and a recently cut bamboo tree decorated in each:
This happened about 3 in the afternoon. We checked about more information, and found out that the boats would return to town at night and the bamboo tree (on a cart) would be taken to the local shrine as seen on the lantern ("Hosoe shrine"):
Groups of young men chanting came down the street pulling the bamboo carts:
When they got closer, we could see 2 drummers sitting on the carts as well, and they spun them around while the chanting continued:
They would then have to carry the cart up to the shrine with the drummers still on top:
They rushed past us still carrying the drummers:
They could finally get the cart to the shrine (with the drummers still horizontal if you can see them):
When they got to the shrine, they could finally put the cart upright again:
Finally, all of the bamboo carts and drummers arrived at the temple and the drumming and flute playing and chanting continued:
I even took a video this time with my camera, so you can enjoy the feeling at the festival:
There was also a stage set up at a different location for small singing performances. Here's a video of a woman singing a type of song called Enka, which is popular with older Japanese:

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