Saturday, July 04, 2009

Smalls animals near the house

I found a stag beetle on the window screen today:
Stag beetles are fairly popular in Japan but not as popular as Japanese rhinoceros beetles. Lots of kids love collecting rhinoceros beetles as pets and you can find lots of them for sale at pet stores. If you find a really large rhinoceros beetle, you can even sell it to a pet store.

There's even a National Rhinoceros Beetle Sumo Championship:

I also found a grasshopper sitting on my bicycle:
These days on my way to work I've been noticing lots of small animals coming out. For the past two weeks, there have been small crabs playing 'chicken' with the bicycles on the bicycle path. And yesterday, I saw a turtle just to the side of the bicycle path. Of course, as the days get warmer, I see more and more mullet (type of fish) jumping out of the water to get some fresh air.

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