Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Golden Week Activities

Golden Week started on Saturday for me this year. I usually have about a week off for the holidays, but I only have 5 days off this year. On Saturday, Eiki and Emi came for a visit. Eiki just got back from a year spent working in Brazil, so it was interesting listening to all of his stories.
On Sunday, we had a fairly relaxed day, but did enjoy going for a bicycle ride. I tried to find some new places to visit, so we found some remote areas near us. Here are some Fuji flowers blooming:
We had a good view of our house from across the lake on the way back. It's hard to see in this picture, but our house is on the left side of the picture:
Here is a close-up of our house (in the centre of the photo):
Here was a nice shot shortly before sunset:
On Monday, we went for a drive up into the mountains to find a shrine on the top of one of the mountains. I love driving in the mountains since the roads are only single lanes and so the trees feel very close. Here was the entrance to the shrine:
They were having a special ceremony that day since they had picked new tea leaves the day before. Here you can see the tea leaves drying:
Here is the shrine on the top of the mountain:
You can see how high up we are in the following photo:
There were some nice mountain birds that I don't get to see where we live:

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