Sunday, January 29, 2006

New camera

Unfortuanely, I've only had my old digital camera for 3 years, but the batteries hardly last 15 photos anymore. I found a good website online, which has lots of personal reviews for all cameras. I found that lots of people were having the same problem as I was with my Nikon Coolpix 3100.

I knew that the next time I bought a camera it would probably be a Canon since I know lots of people raving about their Canon camera. I also knew I would get a camera with a longer optical zoom so I could get better photos of wildlife. From the website, I found the best choice for me was the Canon PowerShot S2 IS. It has a 12X optical zoom and lots of other features such as making it much easier for me to shot in manual mode but with also lots of settings for different situations as well.

Anyways, here are some pictures of the new camera. From now on, the pictures on my blog will be taken with the new camera.

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