Monday, November 26, 2007

Looking for red leaves

On Sunday, Ayako and I met up with our friends, Eiki and Ryoko, and went up to Mori-machi to visit Okuni shrine:
I went up there the past two years as well since it's a good place to see red leaves in fall, although unfortunately, this year the leaves are a bit late and so there weren't as many red leaves as we had hoped.
We did get to see some of the kids dressed up for shichi-go-san, which is a traditional rite of passage in Japan for three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys:
We could also see brand new cars being blessed by Shinto priests:
I have often played just a bit with my camera for trying new shots, but on this day, I tried to using the manual setting and was able to get some good shots. Here are some of the photos I took:

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