Sunday, November 30, 2008

International cooking with Ayako

It was a stay-at-home weekend, mainly catching up with stuff that had to be done. In Ayako's case, this involved catching up on recipes that she had been meaning to make, but hadn't gotten around to. And so I was treated to many delicious international dishes this weekend. We started off on Friday night with the Russian dish of beef stroganoff:
For brunch on Saturday morning, we had French crepes. First starting off with galette, which is buckwheat crepes with ham, cheese and eggs cooked inside:
We followed this up with plain buckwheat crepes that we got to top off with some maple syrup:
For dinner, she baked Mexican (American-style) tortilla chips that we ate with salsa sauce and some humus:
On Saturday, she was busy mixing up some Christmas pudding:
It sat until Sunday and was steamed for three hours. It has now been put away until Christmas:
And for dinner on Sunday night, we ate Middle Eastern food, consisting of chicken kebabs, pita bread, and humus:
It was all very yummy but my immediate requests to have again were for the crepes and the kebabs. I'm looking forward to them.

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