Sunday, June 07, 2009

Seitai massage

Not long after coming to Japan, I woke up one day with a very sore back because my backbone had gone out of position. Luckily, a secretary at work knew a woman who could help me with my back. Her name is Yoshiko, and I visit her about once a month, whenever my back goes out of place. She has a small practice in her small house where she lives with her three cats.

Basically, a seitai massage is a combination of chiropathy, osteopathy and massage. It takes about 30 minutes for Yoshiko-san to do her work, during which, one of her cats, Biwa, likes to climb up and rest on my warm back:
Of Yoshiko-san's three cats, Biwa is the oldest at 15 years old. Next is Hana, who is 3 years old:
The youngest at 2 years old is Kankuro, who is the male of the house and the most playful:
Unfortunately, Yoshiko-san is camera-shy so you don't get to see her. She's a very pleasant and friendly lady who enjoys traveling every few months. She often has visitors to her house such as her friends, her granddaughter, and of course, customers. I enjoy getting to play with her cats as well as having a good opportunity to practice my Japanese.

Anyway, since going for a massage is a regular routine, I thought it was about time that I had an entry about it on my blog.

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